African Origin of Mathematics

Rhind Papyrus
The the Rhind papyrus recommends that 
multiplication be done in the following way. 
Assume that we want to multiply 41 by 59. 
Take 59 and add it to itself, 
then add the answer to itself and continue:- 
            41          59
             1          59
             2         118
             4         236
             8         472
            16         944
            32        1888
Since 64 is greater than 41, 
there is no need to go beyond the 32 entry. 
Now go through a number of subtractions 
41 - 32 = 9, 9 - 8 = 1, 1 - 1 = 0 
to see that 41 = 32 + 8 + 1. 
Next check the numbers in the right hand column 
corresponding to 32, 8, 1 and add them. 
             1          59     X
             2         118
             4         236
             8         472     X
            16         944
            32        1888     X
Notice that the multiplication is achieved with only additions, 
notice also that this is a very early use of binary arithmetic. 
Reversing the factors we have 
             59          41
             1           41     X
             2           82     X
             4           16
             8          328     X
            16          656     X
            32         1312     X

Author : Unknown ~ A blog that provides a wide range of information

article African Origin of Mathematics is published by Unknown on day Thursday, January 20, 2011.Hopefully this article can be useful.Thank you for your visit please leave a comment.already there 0 comment: about the post African Origin of Mathematics


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